Privacy Policy

Updated on 05/01/2023

The personal data processing policy of the company JO1, EURL with a capital of €1,000, whose registered office is located at 941 Avenue du Mas de Sapte - 34130 SAINT-AUNES, registered with the RCS of Montpellier under SIREN 812 842 979, is defined in this document.

The company JO1 acts as the controller of the following processing operations.

People concerned

If you have subscribed to the services offered by the company JO1, if you have interacted with it, or if you have directly provided data to it, you are affected by this document. If you are an employee, member, collaborator, or in any way associated with an organization that has subscribed to said services or interacted with JO1, you are also affected.

Processed Data

JO1 collects and processes the following personal data: name, first name, contact details (postal and electronic address, mobile or landline phone number), job title and company, and possibly images as part of video recordings. Personal data contained in online reviews and comments relating to JO1 are also subject to processing.

Purposes of the processing carried out

Your personal data is processed for the proper performance of JO1's contractual obligations, for contact and identification purposes, invoicing as well as for statistical purposes. Data is also processed within the framework of newsletters and periodic emails sent. Reviews and feedback are processed for commercial reference purposes.

Storage of data

JO1 and its possible subcontractors store this data within the territory of the European Economic Area. Any transfer of data outside the territory of the European Union is carried out in accordance with the mechanism of standard contractual clauses, adopted by the European Commission by decision 2010/87/EU of 5 February 2010, which ensure a high level of security for your data.

Unless the relationship is maintained, this data will be completely erased within a period of five (5) years from the end of the relationship with JO1.

Your Rights

You can freely access the data processed by JO1, or request the communication, correction, deletion of part or all of it; you can also control which processing to allow or prohibit and oppose any automated processing of your data. Only the data whose processing is necessary for the contractual commitments of JO1 will continue to be processed. You can also withdraw your consent to processing after giving it.

To exercise your rights, you can write to the email address: or to the postal address: 941 Avenue du Mas de Sapte - 34130 Saint-Aunès, providing proof of your identity.

If you are dissatisfied with the responses given regarding the processing of your data, you can contact the National Commission on Informatics and Liberty (CNIL), 3 Place de Fontenoy - 75007 Paris or any other competent authority.

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